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Release Updates
Featured Articles
Connect and Manage Amazon Redshift with Centerprise
Introducing in-built connectivity for Amazon Redshift databases at both source and destination points
Connecting to Amazon Aurora in Centerprise
Learn more about Centerprise’s native connectivity for Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL and MySQL)
Connecting to Snowflake in Centerprise
Introducing Astera Centerprise’s new connector for Snowflake
Integrate with Salesforce (Legacy) in Centerprise
Extract or load data in Salesforce (Legacy) databases in Centerprise
REST API Browser (Beta)
Integrate applications via single-step authentication and make HTTP calls
Connecting to SAP HANA Database in Centerprise
Introducing Astera Centerprise’s New SAP HANA Connector
Connecting to MariaDB Database in Centerprise
Introducing in-built connectivity for MariaDB databases at both source and destination points
Language Parser
Perform advanced expression functions such as string interpolation and verbatim
User Documentation

Explore our extensive resource library for user documentation, feature briefs, video tutorials and more.

Explore our extensive resource library for user documentation, feature briefs, video tutorials and more.

Explore our extensive resource library for user documentation, feature briefs, video tutorials and more.

News and Events
Astera Centerprise Recognized as a Top-Rated Data Integration Tool
Astera Centerprise earns the TrustRadius Top-Rated 2020 distinction in the data integration category