

The latest data trends and insights for business transformation

Improving Healthcare Data Governance and Integration with Astera

One of the key processes in healthcare data management is integrating data from many patient information sources into a centralized...




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What is Metadata Governance?

Metadata provides details about other data, such as when it was created, by whom, and its content or purpose. Metadata...


Exploring the Connection Between Data Governance and Data Quality

Data Governance vs. Data Quality Data governance and data quality are closely related, but different concepts. The major difference lies...


Astera’s Guide to Insurance Data Quality and Governance

Data forms the foundation of the modern insurance industry, where every operation relies on digitized systems, including risk assessment, policy...


Information Governance vs. Data Governance: A Comparative Analysis

Every digital interaction generates data. This data can provide invaluable insights and drive effective decision-making when managed effectively. However, according...


Data Quality Framework: What It Is and How to Implement It

What is a data quality framework? A data quality framework is a set of guidelines that enable you to measure,...


All You Need to Know About Data Completeness 

Data completeness plays a pivotal role in the accuracy and reliability of insights derived from data, that ultimately guide strategic...