EDI 143 Product Service Notification
What is an EDI 143 Product Service Notification?
An EDI 143 Product Service Notification transmits either a voluntary recall or a mandatory recall. Servicing organizations are notified of the recall to service the specified items by establishing an authority. The notice is sent to the seller if the customers need to be identified, or to an owning organization, which receives EDI transactions.
The data contents and format of the EDI Product Service Notification are used for the electronic interchange of information. The data elements included in the standard are: A field replacement
- An engineering change
- A specified repair
- Any other action related to the product
- The date the service action must take place
Workflow for the Exchange of an EDI 143 Product Service Notification
An EDI 143 Product Service Notification is interchanged among manufacturers, service organizations, and customers in response to either an EDI 142 or an EDI 141. Any service regarding the product that needs to be provided is specified using an EDI 143. The recall notice only contains information that is limited to one set of items sharing the possibility of the same problem.
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EDIConnect helps handle EDI X12 and EDIFACT transaction sets. It offers built-in parser, validator, and transaction builder, which makes the process of exchanging EDI messages quick and easy. It also allows trade partners and businesses to communicate seamlessly in order to achieve EDI compliance.