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    EDI 190 Student Enrollment Verification

    January 7th, 2022

    What is an EDI 190 Student Enrollment Verification?

    EDI 190 is an electronic document containing information about students’ enrollment status. Federal regulations require the exchange of student information as it affects various aspects of the student loan process. These include disbursement terms, any sort of deferment terms, deferment status, as well as repayment terms. This information included in an EDI 190 document includes, but is not limited to, the following:

    • Student identification
    • Enrollment status and dates
    • School details

    The data contents and format of EDI 190 Student Enrollment Verification are used for the electronic interchange of information. It is divided into various segments and data elements.

    Workflow for the Exchange of an EDI 190 Student Enrollment Verification

    EDI 190 falls under the category of X12F Finance transaction sets. The transaction set can be used by lending agencies, educational institutions, and guarantee agencies. These parties use EDI 190 to request information for verifying the status of a student enrollment. The EDI document is also used for receiving details about student enrollment. Other entities which use this EDI transaction set include insurance companies, Internal Revenue Service along with processors who lend loans to students. They use it for reporting details about students including tuition fee and expenses paid and the date of degree completion.

    Stay EDI Compliant with EDIConnect

    Simplifying the process of sending and receiving EDI messages, EDIConnect is designed for handling all X12 and EDIFACT transaction sets. Featuring a built-in EDI translator, validator, and transaction builder, EDIConnect aids communication between trading partners, as well as helps them streamline the process of information exchange through process orchestration

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