EDI 836 Procurement Notices
What is an EDI 836 Procurement Notices?
The EDI 836 transaction set enables the buyer to inform a seller or other interested entities about the expected or pending award of a contract, containing certain features like location, delivery schedule, and/or quantities. It may also be useful in purchase actions, like:
- Notification for being outside the competitive limit
- Notification of an actual award or the notification of intent to award any small-scale business setting-aside purchase
- Notification of award of contract of requirements type
- Notification of late bid receipt
- Notification in case of receiving a protest
- Public notice pertaining to abstract of bids
- Notification of a bid being rejected
The data contents and format of EDI 836 Procurement Notices are used for the electronic interchange of information. It is divided into various segments and data elements.
Workflow for the Exchange of an EDI 836 Procurement Notices
EDI 836 falls under the category of X12M Supply Chain transaction set. It allows the buyers to inform the seller or any other interested entity about the award or pending award of any contract, comprising of features like location, delivery schedule, and/or quantities. This EDI document facilitates the buyer to issue a wide array of notifications pertaining to the award of contracts and other intricacies related to the bids for contracts.
Stay EDI Compliant with EDIConnect
Simplifying the process of sending and receiving EDI messages, EDIConnect is designed for handling all X12 and EDIFACT transaction sets. Featuring a built-in translator, validator, and transaction builder, EDIConnect aids communication between trading partners, as well as helps them streamline the process of information exchange through a process orchestration