EDI 868 Electronic Form Structure
What is an EDI 868 Electronic Form Structure?
EDI 868 transaction set is useful for providing the transfer structure of EDI standards or specific portions, in electronic form. These EDI standards include: approved ASC X12 transaction sets, ANSI X12 standards, UN/EDIFACT standard messages, and conventions and guidelines of industry EDI. This transaction set aims to provide the users with the following:
- The ability to send and receive data of EDI standards, which may be used for updating the applications or translating software
- The ability to exchange information of data maintenance with trade partners regarding transaction sets, composite structures of data, segments, codes and elements that will be used for EDI transmission
- The ability to transmit partial or complete standards and conventions of EDI
The data contents and format of EDI 868 Electronic Form Structure are used for the electronic interchange of information. It is divided into various segments and data elements.
Workflow for the Exchange of an EDI 868 Electronic Form Structure
EDI 868 falls under the category of X12C Communications & Controls transaction set. This transaction set provides the transfer structure of EDI standards or specific parts of it in electronic form. It enables users to receive and send data of EDI standards, which is useful for application updates as well as other use cases where EDI standards are required.
Stay EDI Compliant with EDIConnect
EDIConnect is designed to handle EDI X12 and EDIFACT transaction sets. EDIConnect, bundled with its built-in parser, validator, and transaction builder, makes the process of sending and receiving EDI messages quick and easy. It also enables businesses and trade partners to communicate seamlessly and achieve EDI compliance.