Catégorie: Sujet

Connectez-vous à la base de données Amazon Aurora avec Astera Centerprise

AWS Aurora Database is a fully managed relational database built for the cloud and compatible with MySQL. It is widely used by modern enterprises to manage their transactional data. Amazon Aurora database utilizes Amazon’s unique, scalable cloud architecture to deliver…

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Un guide de gestion de la qualité des données

Dans un monde plus connecté que jamais, les sources de génération de données continuent d'augmenter de façon exponentielle.

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Extraire des données précieuses à partir de PDF avec ReportMiner

PDF (portable document format) files were developed in the early 1990s to enable different platforms and software tools to share documents with a fixed layout of text and graphics. Since PDFs are independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems,…

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Virtualisation des données: architecture, outils et fonctionnalités expliqués

Owing to their widespread operations, enterprises resort to different types of systems that manage heterogeneous data. These systems are connected via an intricately knit data infrastructure, comprising of databases, data warehouses, marts, and lakes, storing key pieces of intelligible insights….

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Astera Centerprise Rationalise la connectivité à la base de données Amazon Redshift avec Astera

Amazon Redshift is a cloud-based solution under the Amazon Web Services umbrella. The low maintenance requirements, scalability, speed, and efficient compression features make it a popular data storage option for businesses dealing with large amounts of data. To make data…

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