التصنيف: تخزين البيانات

اختبار ETL: العمليات والأنواع وأفضل الممارسات

ETL testing is a set of procedures used to evaluate and validate the data integration process in a data warehouse environment. In other words, it’s a way to verify that the data from your source systems is extracted, transformed, and…


مخزن البيانات 101: دليل شامل لتخزين البيانات القابلة للتطوير

As businesses deal with larger and more diverse volumes of data, managing that data has become increasingly difficult. Only 5% of businesses feel they have data management under control, while 77% of industry leaders consider growing volume of data one…


ما هو مخطط النجوم؟ المميزات والعيوب

What is a Star Schema? Introduced in 1996 by Ralph Kimball, a star schema is a multi-dimensional data modeling technique. It is the simplest schema type businesses use in data warehousing. Based on its name, a star schema is like…


إطلاق العنان لإمكانيات انزياح أمازون الأحمر 

Amazon Redshift is a powerful cloud-based data warehouse that enables quick and efficient processing and analysis of big data. It provides easy scalability, high performance, and seamless integration with other applications, making it a preferred choice for many organizations. Amazon…


Data Lake مقابل Data Warehouse: أيهما مناسب لك؟

To understand the difference between data lake vs data warehouse, it is important to understand the evolution of the technologies. Historically, databases served as structured repositories that excelled at storing and retrieving organized data. They operated within well-defined schemas, which…
