Categoria: Infográfico

Integração de dados na nuvem: o rápido crescimento das nuvens híbridas e múltiplas

Modern IT infrastructures often become a tangled web of multiple environments. As businesses transition to the cloud and let go of their on-premises infrastructure, enterprise data gets divided between on-premises and cloud platforms, both public and private. Businesses bound by…

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Maneira livre de código para publicar APIs em 6 etapas fáceis com Astera Serviços de dados

APIs – Application Programming Interfaces —have become the key to digital transformation. 97% of enterprise and IT leaders agree that APIs are critical for organizational success. They break down enterprise barriers, reduces data siloes, and allow faster innovation.  Undoubtedly, APIs…

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Simplificando a extração de dados PDF com ReportMiner 10.0

IDC estimates that 80% of data generated and collected by organizations is unstructured, i.e., stored in a format that is not easily extractable. PDFs are among the most widely used unstructured file formats for storing and exchanging business information. Despite the…

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Simplifique o processamento de pedidos de compra com Astera ReportMiner

According to Gartner Procurement & Operations Leadership Council report, 72% of Chief Procurement Officers cited the underutilization of automation technologies as their most critical problem. One of the report’s key findings is that procurement must learn how to manage complex…

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Processamento de documentos alimentado por IA usando Astera ReportMiner

Enterprises deal with a lot of business documents — available in different layouts and formats — across several business units, ranging from accounting and finance to sales and marketing. A major issue is that more than 80% of these documents…

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