Categoria: Infográfico

Gerencie seus dados que mudam lentamente com Astera Construtor de DW

The data warehouse is built to deliver insights on your business’s activities based on current and historical data. This trusted view is based on data from a variety of source systems. During the development process, ETL processes are put in…

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Construa seu data warehouse em quatro etapas com Astera Construtor de DW

Astera O DW Builder acelera e simplifica o desenvolvimento do data warehouse, permitindo que as equipes de TI e de negócios vão desde a origem até o insight em velocidades incríveis.

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Otimize o desempenho de sua rede de negócios com integração de parceiros

In today’s globalized world, external partnerships with vendors, suppliers, and resellers are the modern enterprise system’s backbone. The collaboration with external partners offers numerous benefits for businesses such as increased access to new markets, operational efficiency, and a smooth supply chain management. However, to maximize value…

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Obtenha percepções sobre seus clientes e segmentos-alvo com uma visão integrada 360 do cliente

In the modern enterprise, the customer reigns supreme. Instead of building key brand differentiation based on just price, product, or services, businesses now compete on delivering seamless omnichannel customer experiences. Although putting customer’s evolving preferences at the center of business…

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BI de autoatendimento: aprimore sua análise por meio da integração fácil de dados

Data is a vital part of every business, and organizations must analyze large volumes of data in order to derive value from it. In the past, businesses have been heavily dependent on their IT department to access data, manage it,…

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