Kategorien: Blog

Navigieren in der KI-gesteuerten Schadenbearbeitung

 95% of insurers are currently accelerating their digital transformation with AI-driven claims processing. Traditionally, this process involved manual steps such as claim initiation, data entry, validation, decision-making, and payout, consuming significant time and resources.  However, the introduction of AI has…

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Automatisierte Schadensbearbeitung: Ein umfassender Leitfaden

Claims processing is a multi-faceted operation integral to the insurance, healthcare, and finance industries. It’s a comprehensive procedure that involves carefully examining a claim. Claim processing is not a single-step process; instead, it involves multiple stages, each serving as a…

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Ansprüche am Arbeitsplatz: Ein genauer Blick auf die Bedeutung einer schnellen Schadensregulierung

Workplace claims are legal actions or complaints that employees set forth against their employers due to violations of employment laws or contractual agreements. In recent times, employees feel encouraged to speak up for their rights with no workplace harassment, discrimination…

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20 Best Practices für Data Warehouses

52% of IT experts consider faster analytics essential to data warehouse success. However, scaling your data warehouse and optimizing performance becomes more difficult as data volume grows. Leveraging data warehouse best practices can help you design, build, and manage data…

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So automatisieren Sie die Datenextraktion aus Patientenregistrierungsformularen im Gesundheitswesen

Automating data extraction from patient registration forms in healthcare is crucial to enhancing patient care efficiency, accuracy, and overall quality. Over  71% of surveyed clinicians in the USA agreed that the volume of patient data available to them is overwhelming….

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