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    What is API-first? Why it’s Better to Design Your APIs First

    September 13th, 2024

    In this guide to API-first, we will explore the various facets of the API-first approach, compare it with other methodologies, and highlight its benefits and applications.

    What is API-first?    

    API-first, also called the API-first approach, is an application development strategy in which the design and development of APIs take precedence over other software components, placing them at the forefront of the development process from the very beginning. With API-first, each API is treated as an individual product, which enables developers to create more scalable, maintainable, and interoperable systems.

    This approach leads to well-defined and consistent APIs that meet various stakeholders’ needs before any other part of the system is built.

    Let’s look at how API-first differs from other approaches to API development.

    API-First vs. Code-First


    In the API-first approach, the focus is on creating API specifications before any code is written. This approach involves defining the endpoints, request/response formats, authentication methods, and other details. It focuses on improved collaboration and precise documentation:

    • Collaboration: API-first encourages collaboration among developers, product managers, and other stakeholders early in the process, ensuring that the API meets the end requirements.
    • Documentation: Developers create comprehensive API documentation from the beginning, providing a clear contract for other API users to follow.


    In the code-first approach, developers write the application’s code first and then create API specifications based on that code. Here, the focus is first on building the core functionality rather than spending time on upfront design.

    It allows for flexibility and rapid prototyping, especially in smaller projects. However, it may lead to inconsistencies and a need for more standardization in API design. Teams typically create documentation and API contracts after they implement the code.

    Read more about API-first vs. code-first.

    API-First vs. API Design-First

    Although the terms “API-first” and “API design-first” are related and often used interchangeably, they have subtle differences.

    API design-first emphasizes the design phase of the API lifecycle where the API’s structure and behavior are defined before any development work begins. API design-first can be thought of as a subset of the API-first approach as it primarily focuses on the initial design phase of the API lifecycle. On the other hand, API-first encompasses a broader strategy that includes planning, designing, developing, and maintaining APIs as a central aspect of the development process.

    What is the Difference Between API-Enabled and API-First?

    API-enabled refers to applications or systems that have APIs as an additional feature. APIs are added later in development to expose certain functionalities to other systems or applications. A system or software is API-enabled if it connects with an API.

    In contrast, API-first means that every part of the application development will center around API, enabling all components to interact seamlessly. Just because an application can integrate with an external API does not mean it was primarily built with APIs as a primary focus.

    We’ve covered some major terms related to API-focused design. Let’s look at why a development team might need the API-first strategy.

    8 Reasons Why the API-first Approach is Needed

    8 reasons why an API-first approach is needed

    The API-first approach is becoming beneficial for development teams for several reasons. Here are 8 of them:

    1. Scalability

      Teams might need a scalable solution as the number of users and integrated services grows. Designing APIs first allows the system to scale easily.

    2. Complex Integrations

      Due to the many connections involved, integrating diverse systems, applications, and services can be complex and prone to errors. An API-first approach ensures that integration points are well-defined and standardized from the outset, making it easier to connect various components.

    3. Inconsistent Development Practices

      Different teams may use varying practices and standards, leading to consistency and technical debt. Going API-first can enforce a consistent development framework where all teams adhere to the same standards and best practices.

    4. Poor Developer Experience

      Inadequate documentation and unclear API designs can frustrate developers and slow down development. Designing APIs first can help solve these problems through clear API specifications and documentation.

    5. Security Vulnerabilities

      Many developers prioritize ensuring consistent security across all parts of a system. This approach allows security protocols to be integrated from the beginning, securing all interactions.

    6. Technical Debt and Maintenance Overheads

      Accumulating technical debt can make maintaining and updating systems more difficult and costly.

      An API-first methodology emphasizes clean, modular, and maintainable code, reducing technical debt and making long-term maintenance easier and more cost-effective

    7. Slow Time-to-Market

      Development delays due to inefficient processes can slow the release of new features. An API-first method speeds up the development process and reduces time to market by enabling parallel development and providing clear API contracts.

    8. Interoperability Issues

      Achieving seamless interaction between disparate systems is a complex task. The API-first approach ensures that APIs are designed for interoperability, better communication, and integration across diverse systems.

    Shaping API Architectures with the API-first Approach

    The API-first approach influences the design and implementation of each part of the API architecture. The focus shifts from internal needs to external consumers as APIs are designed with clear, user-friendly interfaces and functionalities based on consumer requirements. Here’s how an API-first methodology impacts the key components of the architecture:

    1. API Gateway

    The API gateway configurations are driven by the upfront API specifications, ensuring routing, security, and traffic management consistency. The API gateway can integrate with the API documentation to provide real-time updates and access control based on the defined API contract.

    2. API Endpoints

    API-first prioritizes designing endpoints that focus on the consumer’s needs, ensure that they are intuitive, and provide the functionality defined in the API specifications. Focusing on specifications allows for a consistent and predictable structure for endpoints, enhancing developer experience.

    3. Backend Services

    Backend services are developed to meet the exact specifications in the API contract, ensuring that the business logic aligns perfectly with the API’s functionality. The clear API contract in an API-first approach enables a more modular and decoupled backend architecture.

    4. Security Layer

    Security policies, such as authentication, are defined in the API specifications, ensuring consistent implementation across all endpoints. In API-first, security considerations are integrated from the beginning. It allows users to identify vulnerabilities from the initial stages and build more robust APIs.

    5. Versioning

    Versioning strategies are defined upfront in the API specifications, making it easier to manage changes and updates without disrupting existing consumers.

    6. Error Handling and Logging

    In API-first, error responses are standardized and documented in the API specifications, providing clear guidelines for developers to implement uniform error handling.

    API-First Development Process

    What are the steps in an API-first development process? Here’s a breakdown:

    1. Defining Requirements:

    The first step is gathering requirements from stakeholders from various teams—developers, product managers, and sometimes end-users—to determine the API’s purpose, functionality, constraints, and scope collaboratively.

    2. Designing the API:

    The actual design phase comes next. This step includes using API design tools to create a detailed API specification before any codes are written.

    Defining endpoints, HTTP methods, request/response formats, error handling, and authentication methods using a blueprint are key sub-steps here.

    3. Implementing the API:

    Once the API specifications are defined, the development teams can work in parallel. To do so, setting up mock servers is vital as they allow early testing by simulating API responses based on the specification and enable front-end and back-end teams to develop their components independently but in alignment with the agreed-upon API contract or design document.

    4. Developing Automated Tests:

    The next step in API-first development is verification. A good way to verify is by creating automated tests to check that the API functions as intended. The tests can include unit tests, integration tests, and performance tests.

    5. Documenting the API:

    Afterward, generate and regularly update the API documentation. The documentation should include usage examples, endpoint descriptions, parameter details, and error codes.

    6. Deploying and Monitoring:

    Finally, teams deploy the API to the production environment. This is also where monitoring and logging are set up to track usage and performance.

    7. Managing Versions:

    After API deployment, implementing versioning to manage changes to the API without disrupting existing users is crucial.

    8. Maintaining and Iterating:

    Some work still needs to be done here. Gathering feedback and monitoring the API’s performance and usage is key to maximizing its power. It is also vital to regularly update and refine the API to address issues and add new features.


    Benefits of the API-first Development Strategy

    The API-first model offers many benefits to developers creating applications. These benefits can significantly enhance the development process, product (API) quality, and overall efficiency of software projects. Here are the primary benefits:

    1. Consistency and Standardization:

    It ensures that all services communicate through a consistent interface, promoting uniformity across different application parts. It also automatically generates standardized documentation.

    2. Parallel Development:

    The API-first strategy allows front-end and back-end teams to work simultaneously. Front-end developers can use mock APIs to build the UI, while back-end developers implement the API, reducing dependencies and bottlenecks.

    3. Scalability and Flexibility:

    Focusing primarily on APIs promotes a modular approach to development, making it easier to scale and modify individual components.

    It simplifies the integration of new services and third-party applications, enhancing the system’s flexibility and extensibility.

    4. Better Quality and Reliability:

    API-first facilitates the creation of automated tests based on the API specification, leading to higher reliability and fewer bugs. This allows for early prototyping and testing using mock servers, identifying issues and potential improvements early in the development cycle.

    5. Enhanced Security:

    This method encourages implementing API security best practices at the start of the development project, such as authentication, authorization, and data validation.

    6. Cost Efficiency:

    Standardized and well-documented APIs are easier to maintain, reducing long-term maintenance costs. Enabling parallel development and reducing dependencies makes the development process more efficient, reducing time and costs.

    7. Better Developer Experience:

    API-first offers thorough and standardized documentation, which improves the developer experience and reduces onboarding time for new developers. It utilizes modern API platforms and frameworks that provide additional support and resources for developers.

    8. Improved Product Quality:

    By focusing on the API first, developers can ensure that the API meets the needs of its consumers, leading to a better overall product.

    What are the Alternatives to the API-first Approach?

    While the API-first approach is highly beneficial for many scenarios, there are alternative methods that software teams might consider based on their specific needs, context, and project requirements. Some of the main alternatives are:

    1. Code-First Approach:

    The application’s core functionality and business logic are first developed in code-first. Developers create APIs afterward to expose this functionality.

    • Advantages:
      • Flexible Development: Allows developers to focus on building the application logic without being constrained by predefined API contracts.
      • Rapid Prototyping: Can quickly build and test core features before worrying about API design.
    • Disadvantages:
      • Inconsistent APIs: Potentially leads to inconsistent or poorly designed APIs, as they are added later and may need to be more thoroughly planned.
      • Integration Challenges: Contrary to API-first, teams might not design APIs with external consumption in mind with the code-first approach, which can result in difficulties when integrating with other systems.

    2. Backend-First Approach:

    A back-end-first approach focuses on building and optimizing the back-end services and databases, ensuring robust core functionality and performance before developing APIs or UIs.

    • Advantages:
      • Robust Back-end: Ensures the back-end is well-designed, scalable, and performant.
      • Data Integrity: Prioritizes data management and integrity, which can be critical for data-heavy applications.
    • Disadvantages:
      • Delayed Front-end Development Can slow down the development of user interfaces and user-facing features, leading to longer time to market.
      • Potential Disconnect: Risks creating a disconnect between front-end needs and back-end capabilities, leading to integration challenges.

    3. Database-First Approach:

    This approach emphasizes designing and building the database schema and data structures before developing the application logic, APIs, or UI.

    • Advantages:
      • Data-Centric Design: Ensures the database schema is well-thought-out, supporting efficient data storage and retrieval.
      • Structured Data Management: Promotes structured and consistent data management practices.
    • Disadvantages:
      • Rigid Development: This can lead to a rigid development process, as changes to the database schema later on can be difficult and costly.
      • Delayed Feature Development: Slow down the development of application features that rely on the finalized database schema.


    The API-first approach emphasizes the importance of APIs from the beginning of the development process. By prioritizing API design and implementation, organizations can create scalable, maintainable, and interoperable systems that meet the needs of modern applications.

    Astera simplifies the API design and development process with its intuitive interface and comprehensive features. By facilitating seamless API creation, documentation, and management, Astera ensures that your APIs are:

    • Secure
    • Consistent
    • Easy to integrate

    Its automated testing, versioning, and lifecycle management capabilities help maintain your APIs’ integrity and reliability throughout their development and deployment phases.

    Astera’s support for parallel development allows front-end and back-end teams to work independently yet cohesively, speeding up the overall development cycle and reducing time-to-market. With built-in security features, robust data validation, and extensive monitoring capabilities, Astera ensures that your APIs perform and comply with industry standards and best practices.

    Choosing Astera means choosing a future-proof solution that streamlines API-first adoption, fosters team collaboration, and ultimately delivers high-quality, user-centric applications.

    Try it now with a free 14-day free trial or watch the demo here!


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