What is an EDI 893 Item Information Request?
EDI 893 transaction set helps brokers and distributors in requesting complete item information from manufacturers, brokers, agents or suppliers. This item information is sent back by using item Maintenance Transaction Set (888). EDI 893 is also helpful in requesting product activity, which is sent back by using the Product Activity Data Transaction Set (852).
The data contents and format of EDI 893 Item Information Request are used for the electronic interchange of information. This transaction set is divided into various segments and data elements.
Workflow for the Exchange of an EDI 893 Item Information Request
EDI 893 falls under the category of X12M Supply Chain transaction set. This transaction set requests complete item information as well as product activity from manufacturers, brokers, agents or suppliers.
Stay EDI Compliant with EDIConnect
Simplifying the process of sending and receiving EDI messages, EDIConnect is designed for handling all X12 and EDIFACT transaction sets. Featuring a built-in translator, validator, and transaction builder, EDIConnect aids communication between trading partners, as well as helps them streamline the process of information exchange through a process orchestration.