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June 27, 2024 — 11 am PT / 1 pm CT / 2 pm ET

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  • Blog

A Complete Guide to Legacy Application Modernization

Legacy systems have been important in the growth and success of several organizations. However, as these systems and applications age, they slow down and become increasingly costly to operate and manage. As per the U.S. Government Accountability Office, operating and…

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  • Blog

HIPAA EDI: Transactions sets in the Healthcare Industry 

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), established in 1996, keeps individual health information private. It introduced HIPAA EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) Standards to secure electronic health data sharing among healthcare providers, insurers, and related entities. Healthcare EDI sets…

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  • Blog

PostgreSQL API: What it is and How to Create One

PostgreSQL APIs let applications interact with Postgres databases, perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, and manage database schemas. Keep reading to learn more about how APIs help you maximize your databases.  Understanding PostgreSQL APIs  The term’ PostgreSQL API’ can…

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  • Blog

Insurance Legacy System Transformation With API Integration: A Guide

Insurers’ success has always hinged on their ability to analyze data effectively to price and underwrite policies accurately. While this analytical capability remains essential, outdated legacy systems hinder insurers from competing in a rapidly changing market.  According to McKinsey, modernizing…

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  • Blog

Crafting a Successful Application Modernization Strategy 

 92% of enterprises are working on or planning an application modernization strategy. This trend shows a growing focus on upgrading technology. Modernizing existing systems and data infrastructure allows organizations to turn old, inefficient setups into flexible, scalable solutions that support…

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