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EDI 112 Property Damage Report

January 6th, 2022

What is an EDI 112 Property Damage Report?

An EDI 112 Property Damage Report provides information about property damage to property and casualty insurance companies, independent agents as well as service and information providers. The report contains information about cost estimates, new constructions, damage, and repairs needed.

The data contents of EDI 112 Property Damage Report are to be used within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange environment.

Workflow for the Exchange of an EDI 112 Property Damage Report

EDI 112 transaction set is exchanged between insurance companies dealing with property and casualty insurance. Other users of EDI 112 include independent agents, information and service providers.

Stay EDI Compliant with EDIConnect

EDIConnect facilitates the exchange of EDI documents by allowing businesses to translate as well as construct EDI messages. EDIConnect simplifies the process of sending and receiving EDI messages, and it is specifically designed to handle X12 and EDIFACT transaction sets. It also offers features to create workflows to further streamline the process of exchanging EDI messages for businesses.

Find out more about the industries we’ve helped and how we did it.


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