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Join us for a FREE Webinar on Automated Processing of Healthcare EDI Files with Astera

June 27, 2024 — 11 am PT / 1 pm CT / 2 pm ET

Download Astera DW Builder Trial2024-05-28T10:42:21+00:00

Build a cloud or on-prem data warehouse
from scratch with Astera DW Builder

Leverage a no-code/low-code integrated development environment (IDE) to execute your data warehouse tasks in record time

Bring data from various databases, cloud environments, web apps, and more, using 40+ native connectors and REST APIs

Reverse engineer or import a database schema into popular data modeling patterns, such as 3NF, dimensional modeling, and data vault, to create a logical schema of your data warehouse seamlessly

Ensure the quality of your model deployment via a robust built-in data model verification module that runs it through hundreds of validation checks

Automate building load pipelines, reducing the complexity to a few drag-and-drop actions

Manipulate data using 600+ transformations that can be automatically converted into the target platform native code when running in the ELT mode

Use OData queries to access information in data marts and warehouse and consume it directly into industry-leading BI tools, such as Power BI, Tableau, and others

Request your free trial today to experience the power of our agile data warehouse automation platform first-hand.

Try Astera DW Builder

Our Customers Drive Our Success

Astera continues to lead the way in delivering exceptional service and user-friendly products to its customers

What Customers are Saying

Ease of use, clever transformations and in general Centerprise has a library of transformations that even heavy duty tools like Informatica doesn't offer, such as SCD. You can literally be up and running in a few seconds, with a very low learning curve.
Product is relatively intuitive to use. Initially, I was given a beta version and had several problems to start. Customer service was good for those issues. Now that we have the workflows defined, things go smoothly.
CCHP is now able to load data into our data warehouse where it was otherwise impossible and need to rely on outside vendors to breakdown the files. Astera Centerprise has helped us improve our State Medicaid EDI data submission acceptance and approval rate to over 97%. It has removed the need for an additional 1.0 FTE data analyst at a cost that is less than an additional data analyst.
Because of Astera we have been able to evolve and manage our EDW which has data from multiple sources today and is being used across our organization. It offers much easier and faster development time, with better interface.
Goldfeins Claims management
AmTrust Financial
Aspen Medical Products
Raymond James
Reliance Trust